Sunday, August 27, 2017

When I Knew I Wanted to be a Writer and Publish Books

     I think I wanted to be a published author from a very early age.  I always had a vivid imagination as a young kid growing up in Phoenix, Arizona.  I think from the moment I wrote my first words I knew I wanted to create and write stories.  I wrote my first story in 3rd Grade, and although it wasn't all that great, I still have it today, and let's just say that I am now fiftyish and leave it at that.
     I think if you ask most writers when they wanted to be a published author they would probably tell you that it happened sometime early in their life.  Of course, back when I was younger there wasn't anything called the Internet or self-publishing online as we know it today.  Self-publishing back when I even thought about it; some thirty years ago existed but it cost somewhere in the area of $2,000 to $5,000 depending on how many books you wanted to have printed.  Today, the world of self-publishing is exploding because it is so easy to do (with the eBook), and the cost being very little if anything.

     I will admit here that in my twenties I did try many times at getting a literary agent for a story that I had written, but it never happened.  The only thing that seemed to happen was I was able to wallpaper my walls with a lot of rejection letters.  My dream of ever getting published seemed as if it would never happen.  I do have to admit at times I did stop writing and dumped a lot of my stories into a drawer and moved along at working a 9 to 5 job.  But, as time went on I always found myself going back to my writing.  I guess it was because of my vivid imagination.  The stories just kept coming and I just kept writing.

     Today, I am happily published on as an Indie Author.  I wish I could tell you it's been smooth sailing to get here, but it hasn't.  In my next blog entry, I'm going to talk about the "Life of a Writer" and what it's been like for me.

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