Saturday, September 30, 2017

How to Write a Book for the Beginner

    So you want to write a book but don't know where to start, right?  Of course, the first thing you have to decide is what you are going to write about.  If you haven't already read my previous blog article on "Finding an Idea to Write About" you should probably start there. 

     Maybe you already have an idea but still don't know how to start, right?  You might want to read another previous article where I talk about how to outline your book if you haven't already read this previous blog article: "How to Outline Your Book Before Writing it".

     So now you are ready to start or are you?  Here is a video that just might help get you started in the right direction:

     Okay, now you're ready, right?  Maybe not...because when starting a book for beginners where you start your book can sometimes be problematic.  Here is another video that just might help you with that if you are still unsure where to begin.

     Personally, when I start a book I just start it.  What I have found is as I continue to write day after day this is usually when I will realize if I started my book in the right place.  Sometimes I have discovered a better place where I should start my story.  There have been times in my own personal writing where I have deleted my first chapter and replaced it with the second chapter.  Anyway, my best advice is that if you are still unsure where to start your book, just start writing the part of the story that your idea is about.  Take it from me, when you do this sometimes this will help you with where you should start your story.

     In my next blog entry, I'm going to discuss how to stay motivated while writing your book day after day.

     So stay tuned!


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