Monday, November 13, 2017

The One Book Phenomenon

  It's interesting when I hear from a fellow writer who admits that they've only written and published one book and that they feel defeated that no one is reading it.  Yes, I can understand why this fellow writer might feel this way.  But, since writing is my passion, I could have never just written one book, and published it, then called it a day and said because no one was reading it that I wouldn't be writing another book.

     But, I know this writer isn't the only one who has done this.  When I check writer's and their books out on I have found this to be the norm, believe it or not. Of course, there is also the person who never gets around to publishing their book even once because of the unknown and fear they have attached to doing so.  

     There is also the writer who is probably writing a book for all of the wrong reasons.  I don't know what your reason or reasons might be for writing a book, but when I hear someone say they have been writing for years and never have published anything I generally start wondering why especially when it is so easy and economically cheap to self-publish today?

     Now that the gate guards (traditional publishers) can't stop you from self-publishing I really started to question a writer when they tell me they've never published.  Okay, I should admit that a few writers did tell me they were somewhat scared because, after all, when you publish something you have written you are exposing a lot to a potential reader.  I mean, I've admitted that I write under a pen name, right?  But, like I said I do this for many reasons.  If you haven't yet read my previous article about "Pen Names:  Are They a Good Idea", it will explain why I do this, and maybe if you are holding back in self-publishing because of this technicality then maybe a pen name might just work for you.

     The most important thing if you are a writer who has just published one book and it hasn't worked out for you yet, that the next book could? You never know if the next book you published just might be the one to resonate with a large group of readers, and if not, just remind yourself that not everyone will be a reader to what you are writing, but keep writing!

Here is a video below that might just help you decide once and for all if writing and publishing is really what you should be doing.

     In my next blog article, I am going to discuss social media and the importance of it for writer's.

    So stay tuned!

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