Friday, November 24, 2017

Why Writer's Don't Ever Finish Their book

   You start writing a book and then you stop.  You start writing another book and then you stop.  You'll actually write a book to its completion but it's just the first draft and you don't know if you have the energy to go back through it to edit what you've written.  So instead you decide to start writing another book.  You write a book to its completion and edit it to death...and edit it to death.  You edit it to the point that you decide it isn't very good.  So you junk it and start writing another book.  We're not even going to discuss the motivation and procrastination we go through in writing a book.  Anyway, this cycle continues on and on for many writers until the book you have written never gets published.  (Here is a video that I found on youtube that basically sums up why writer's don't ever finish their book).

     The other thing that writers have to consider is are they really writing a story that they are passionate about.  If you are writing something that doesn't really interest you, this will usually cause you not to finish a book.  Then there is writer's block; this is something that plagues many writers at one time or another and can cause you not to finish your book as well.  

     So if you are a writer who is sitting on a lot of unfinished manuscripts and you wonder if you will ever finish one of them.  You might want to think about the above-mentioned information and see where you fall into this equation.  The only suggestion I can give you is that if you are writing something that you are not passionate about don't abandon this story just set it aside and start writing something else.  I have found that stories I have abandoned along the way that I eventually have gone back to later in my life.

     One last thing, if you don't know how to end your book and you feel like it has been going on forever, think about a book series and just end the first book with a cliffhanger and then start the second book.  While you are writing the second book find some time to work on the 2nd draft of the first book.  Let me just say there is something about having one book done in your series that helps you to write the second book, and so on and so forth.

     In my next article, I am going to discuss the things no one tells you about as you journey through your life as an author.

     So stay tuned!

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