Friday, October 13, 2017

How to Balance Multiple Writing Projects

        As a writer, there will be a time when you have multiple writing projects.  For example, I write this blog, but I am also currently writing a historical romance novel, and I am editing a paranormal fantasy book.  This can be a challenge at times because along with all of this I am working on my social media and my design service that I have where I sell pre-made eBook Covers.  This was also the reason I wrote the blog article about Evernote.  If you haven't read this article yet you still can here:  "What is Evernote and How Can it Help a Person Writing a Book".  I use Evernote heavily to keep me organized and on task with all that I have to do.

     So to balance multiple writing projects can be quite challenging, especially when most of the time as an author I would rather just be writing my books.  I'm sure some of you can relate to this.

     Here is a video I discovered that has helped me a lot with how to balance multiple writing projects.  Hopefully, this will help you too:

     So you can see how Evernote, Powerpoint, Google Drive, and other online tools can help you track your schedule and make you more productive when you can see at a glance all the things you have to do per day and per week.  Keeping a good way to track the various things you have to do is critical so that you don't just end up spinning your wheels and getting nothing done.  If your schedule of things to do is staring at you, then the more chance of completing some of it, if not all of it is possible.

     In my next blog entry, I am going to discuss how to dictate your book if you struggle at typing or getting your ideas down on paper.  This is something you just might be interested in as a writer.

     So stay tuned!

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