Sunday, October 8, 2017

Writer's Have You Ever Wondered How Readers Look for Books?

     As a writer there comes a time when you have to wonder how a reader looks for a book.  Yes, most of the time reader's sort of stay with certain types of genre's, but do they look at anything else?  I know that personally I generally stick with certain genres such as; romance, science fiction, fantasy, and paranormal.  So what do you do?

     I guess the reason I have started to wonder about this is that when I am out on various social media sites I constantly see writer's marketing their books in the news feed.  I wonder if they truly sell books this way.  I know in the past many years ago I did this constantly to no avail.  Today, I just market my books every once and awhile on social media.

     Here is a video discussing this topic:

     I've heard people say in forums that if you are a self-published author that most people won't read your books.  They say most reader's view self-published authors as amateur's who couldn't get a book deal from a traditional publisher.  Now, I realize today this stigma has sort of changed?  How do I know this you might be wondering, right?  Well, for one I've asked some reader's if they look at who the publisher was when buying a book, and all of them said no.

     Here is a video talking about this subject:

     So with all of this in mind, the question still remains, how do reader's really look for books?  This will always be the million dollar question and you will probably get many different answers if you ask people what they do and why?

How to find your readers:

     Here is another video talking about how Amazon markets your book if you publish through them.

(Part 1)

     And this part talks about your readers 
and where to find them.

(Part 2)

     Obviously, this information gives a writer a lot of food for thought in marketing their book or books.  (At least it did for me).

     In my next blog entry, I am going to discuss how to start your own publishing company if you really feel the need to look authentic in the self-publishing of your book.  The great thing about considering this is that you can start another business for yourself and possibly become a book publisher for other writers.

     So stay tuned!

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